Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year's Resolution: Fitness

I have to be honest here: I am a total lameo when it comes to working out. I go to the elliptical, turn the channel to Castle or NCIS and work out for the 60 minutes show duration. However, a short blurb on strength training in featured in Glamour's January issue sparked my interest. Apparently, 30 minutes of strength training can increase the effects of your other health efforts. I know very little about this, but I am planning on getting to know my way around the fitness center outside of the cardio machines.

And just to give myself an extra push - I used an xmas gift card to purchase this new short style from Lululemon. Spandex AND lightweight shorts in one - plus a fun, flowery print! The world is my oyster in these babies!

Lululemon Shorts
Via Lululemon

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