Thursday, September 18, 2014

Postest with the Mostest: September 18

There's a lot to discuss, so let's begin:

1) I might be the only person that doesn't already know this, but the Spotify Today's Top Hits (regular NOT the USA version) is the best hit radio streaming option out there. I was into iTunes Radio for a while, but that doesn't provide anything new. Spotify, on the other hand, fills all of my pop needs and dreams.

Standouts include Prayer in C by an Israeli-French Duo and a new Hilary Duff song that's quite the ear worm.

2) As a Pats fan, I was pumped when I got an iPhone update with a link to Tom Brady's resume. Hopefully other people who are from New England/appreciate one of the greatest QBs to ever throw a ball will get a kick out of the resume too. And for those that don't, just listen to the music above and move on to the next one.

3) An infographic of cocktails! My favorite kind! Click on this link to discover your next signature mix.

4) Much more to come on Fashion Week, but until I write my own thoughts, here are some from around the World Wide W.

a) YES PLEATS to mini pleats. Read more on HonestlyWTF.

b) Oh Olivia, she is such a fashion magnet. Long are the days when she terrorizes Whitney on the The City at DVF and misspells designers' names on her blog. She has reviews of nearly every show imaginable, with beautiful pictures. Here are some of my faves, courtesy of Olivia Palermo.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Postess with the Mostest: July 9th

Somewhere along the line, I started reading a lot of blogs, like A LOT. At first I just read fashion and beauty because it pertained to my industry. Then my coworker introduced me to The Slate Quiz , a weekly quiz that Slate Magazine puts out every Friday consisting of 12 multi-choice questions which evaluate how well you paid attention to the news for that week. I wholeheartedly admit that I judge myself, and others when I have the ability, when results are low. Not wanting to see dim, I quickly began studying up on cultural affairs - both big and small - through blogs.
In this journey I fortituously discovered Bloglovin, a website that aggregates all of your favorite blogs into one, or several, streams. I became obsessed; I admire efficiency, probably to a fault, and this site would do all the work for me. Plus, I could see headings and blurbs of NY Times articles, without using my ten freebies, GENIUS.

Anyways, now that I skim/read/flip through about 2,000 posts a week, I though I would start sharing a few of my favorites! 

So, here it goes:

1) Man Repeller - The Perks of Being Niche

I have to admit, I was never all the way on board with the whole Man Repeller fashion thing. I totally envied her closet and loved her spunk, but I would never put outfits together the way she would. However, I recently came across the blog again and discovered (although this probably happened like a year ago) that now it is a lifestyle blog too and the posts are super funny and weird! My favorite!

This post epitomizes my personality to a T - a rally cry for the quirky girl who just can't be normal. 

When I finish organizing/cleaning/making my bedroom the elegant abode I always dreamt of, the final touch will be this printed pink/purple/orange bench from Barrington Blue. I don't know this company and I don't like the color pink, but I really like this bench. It must be mine. 

One of the nerdiest things about me is that I keep an intense google spreadsheet of my spending every month, complete with a breakdown of categories for say "groceries" or the ominous "travel/shopping." I'm obsessed with knowing what I spend my money on, even if it isn't always a painless process - did I really need to know I spent $60 on shots when I was only with 2 friends? Anyways, with this calculator, I can quickly assess if my retirement goal will be met, which takes away some of the stress. Although I'm currently a million (in 2053 dollars) behind, so there's that. 

I told you - I've really into it now! These are funny and I want to learn how to draw so I can make funny and original artwork too. 

I got a blender for Christmas this past year and have used it twice and exactly zero times successfully. This could be it! Who wants to come over on Friday?!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I'm so ACKcited and I Just Can't Hide It

Untitled #25

I have not been to Nantucket since I was 11 years old, when the only thing I wanted to do was eat ice cream and play in the waves. I am expecting a wholly different experience for Figawi this weekend...

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Quarterly Co.

I may be the only person within a mile radius who still watches Project Runway, but that hasn't stopped me from remaining totally obsessed with Nina Garcia. A fashion guru who nails it everyday, she stuns in sleek and streamlined sophisticated clothing. Not to mention that since she has taken over as Creative Director for Marie Claire, I have seen a marked difference in the level of glamor and engagement.

A few weeks ago, I discovered, via her instagram post, obviously, that she has partnered with subscription box company, Quarterly Co. Quarterly, Co. partners with a list of "curators" who are rockstars in their respective field. These thirty curators hand pick items for a box that will arrive to customers once every 3 months. The boxes have a more premium price tag ($50 - $100) than most other box services, which is probably why they chose the quarterly distribution model. The most innovative part of the company is the vast number of categories covered by the box offerings. In addition to a box of fashion, beauty and lifestyle goodies curated by Mrs. Garcia, customers can sign up to receive food and cultural items curated by Andrew Zimmerman, music and lifestyle items selected by Pharrell Williams focused on "curiosity," and several boxes centered on men's lifestyle and fitness curated by NFL stars. 

I signed up right in time to receive the March Nina Garcia box. When it finally arrived, I experienced a level of glee usually reserved for catty Bachelor episodes and nights out with the girls. Some of the items will get more use than others, but definitely a fun experience overall!

Feast your eyes on the contend of my box:

Nina's Letter!

Clockwise L to R: philosophy time in a bottle, Sara Beltran Shark Tooth necklace and C Wonder bangle, O.P.I. Greenade by #NG nail polish, Revive's Moisturizing Renewal Serum, Tom Ford Jasmine Rouge perfume, Laura Mercier Bonne Mine compact

Clockwise L to R: Lafco soap, Donkey Co. tea bags, Graphic Image Pocket Notes notebook, X-pen ballpoint pen, Charming Charlie wallet, Muy Cool T-shirt by Spenglish (designed with Nina)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fashion Week Fall 2014 RTW: Wack is Back

So, I usually start my FW recaps with looks that I find applicable to my everyday vibe, or in some cases, clothes that are really, really pretty. However, I want to begin this report with an overview of some of the most outrageous and eccentric looks from the shows. Happy reading!

Wack is Back

I'm pretty sure if you totaled up everything for sale at McDonalds in a given time period, it would not equal the price of this one outfit. No matter, I want to wear this shirt dress, visor and quilted red and yellow bag and stroll right up to the front of the line. You have to get Micky D's for free while wearing this look, right?!

At first, it looks like the model is wearing a baby bjorn (or similar baby holder). But then you just see the face of the model and no baby, so I get confused.

I really want to put on this suit and challenge someone to an Elmo-off. Anyone know if Elmo has any signature moves?

This is like the cozy version of a straight jacket. You are wearing all white, there is no hint of skin, and you can get totally tangled up in your ensemble.

Is this not the most carefree outfit you have ever seen? I want to wear this on a nice spring day when the plants are in bloom. I'm assuming that happy-go-lucky birds will land on my shoulder.

Straight jacket part II. I don't know how this works.

So, this is the reject outfit for Katniss in Catching Fire?

Okay, so I know that Gravity has gotten some buzz, but I don't need to be prepared to blast off at any moment.

Photos via and

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bachelor Nation Revolts

Someone forgot to tell Juan Pablo that in English, "killing it," or "kelling it," as Kelly, the dog lover, would say, requires that he charm the ladies, not literally kill all ability to feel sexually or emotionally aroused. I feel bad for the dude, who clearly just did not know what he was getting himself into. It took some serious work to undo the hottness that comes with his physical form, athletic abilities and tender parenting. But somehow, he succeeded. I am deeply interested in the reaction from current and past bachelor contestants (and also Jason Biggs?!) who openly display their distaste for Juan Pabs.

Below, I have collected some of the most inflammatory comments that were thrown around the social media sphere this past week. Andi and JP's battle definitely seemed like the Tipping Point and I can only imagine that tonight will be a royal bloodbath. YAY!