Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Postess with the Mostest: July 9th

Somewhere along the line, I started reading a lot of blogs, like A LOT. At first I just read fashion and beauty because it pertained to my industry. Then my coworker introduced me to The Slate Quiz , a weekly quiz that Slate Magazine puts out every Friday consisting of 12 multi-choice questions which evaluate how well you paid attention to the news for that week. I wholeheartedly admit that I judge myself, and others when I have the ability, when results are low. Not wanting to see dim, I quickly began studying up on cultural affairs - both big and small - through blogs.
In this journey I fortituously discovered Bloglovin, a website that aggregates all of your favorite blogs into one, or several, streams. I became obsessed; I admire efficiency, probably to a fault, and this site would do all the work for me. Plus, I could see headings and blurbs of NY Times articles, without using my ten freebies, GENIUS.

Anyways, now that I skim/read/flip through about 2,000 posts a week, I though I would start sharing a few of my favorites! 

So, here it goes:

1) Man Repeller - The Perks of Being Niche

I have to admit, I was never all the way on board with the whole Man Repeller fashion thing. I totally envied her closet and loved her spunk, but I would never put outfits together the way she would. However, I recently came across the blog again and discovered (although this probably happened like a year ago) that now it is a lifestyle blog too and the posts are super funny and weird! My favorite!

This post epitomizes my personality to a T - a rally cry for the quirky girl who just can't be normal. 

When I finish organizing/cleaning/making my bedroom the elegant abode I always dreamt of, the final touch will be this printed pink/purple/orange bench from Barrington Blue. I don't know this company and I don't like the color pink, but I really like this bench. It must be mine. 

One of the nerdiest things about me is that I keep an intense google spreadsheet of my spending every month, complete with a breakdown of categories for say "groceries" or the ominous "travel/shopping." I'm obsessed with knowing what I spend my money on, even if it isn't always a painless process - did I really need to know I spent $60 on shots when I was only with 2 friends? Anyways, with this calculator, I can quickly assess if my retirement goal will be met, which takes away some of the stress. Although I'm currently a million (in 2053 dollars) behind, so there's that. 

I told you - I've really into it now! These are funny and I want to learn how to draw so I can make funny and original artwork too. 

I got a blender for Christmas this past year and have used it twice and exactly zero times successfully. This could be it! Who wants to come over on Friday?!